

Everyone will encounter some type of skin issue in his or her lifetime. Whether it is acne, psoriasis, or the effects of aging, compounding options exist for almost every condition. To reduce damaged or dry skin, biocosmetic creams can help rejuvenate the skin, giving it a younger and healthier look. While biocosmetic creams help in the short term, they can also be used for long-term protection and treatment as your skin begins to age. For patients who may have problems with mass-produced acne products, transdermal gels and topical creams may also be compounded to meet your specific skin condition.

Some of our other dermatological and cosmetic services include, but are not limited to: wound care; acne formulations and skin care lines; individualized wrinkle creams and anti-oxidant aging creams; viral as well as wart formulations; skin bleaching creams; fever blister meds; foot care products to prevent and treat fungal infections; formulations for eczema, psoriasis, sunburn, baldness, and scarring.

Anti-Aging / Cosmeceutical Compounding

You may be getting older, but your skin doesn’t have to show it.

Cosmeceuticals: a custom antidote for aging skin

There are many desirable aspects of growing older. Longevity brings with it experience, wisdom and maturity. But the physical signs of this maturity are much less enthusiastically met – the loss of elasticity, the age spots, and the crows’ feet, laugh lines, and other wrinkles that are inevitable as the skin begins to age.

Cosmeceuticals – Rejuvenating Aging Skin

Though the aging of skin can’t be halted, in many cases it can be slowed down. Recent biotech research has identified many of the factors that cause the wrinkling and loss of elasticity that come with age. These factors include:

  • Damage from sun, cold, or wind

  • Stress

  • Smoking

  • Fatigue

  • Poor nutrition

  • Environmental irritants such as years of harsh makeup, soaps, or detergents

Over the years, these assaults on the skin lead it to show signs of aging.

It’s impossible to avoid coming into contact with many of these skin-devastating factors on a regular basis. Everyone has been exposed to the sun at some point. All of us have experienced stress and fatigue. While we can’t turn back the clock, we can begin to protect against further damage, and even rejuvenate skin that already has begun to age.

How? Through innovative cosmeceutical products.

Solutions for Every Skin Type

Just as every face has its own distinctive features, every person has his or her own skin type. Your compounding pharmacist can customize a therapy of cosmeceutical creams especially for your needs, which can help your skin appear younger and healthier.

The results are both short- and long-term. Cosmeceutical products provide cosmetic results by using scientific research and pharmaceutical-grade ingredients to improve the appearance of skin. Custom-prepared cosmeceutical creams can soothe and diminish the appearance of skin irritations, rashes, redness and inflammation. They also may be useful for soothing dry, cracked skin, improving moisturization, and treating blemishes and problem areas. Most importantly, they begin to protect your skin from the harmful, external forces of aging.

Younger-looking Skin

Through cosmeceuticals, your skin can begin to look and feel like it did five, ten, or even fifteen years ago – moist, smooth, protected, and with reduced appearance of wrinkles.

Many commercial creams and lotions may claim to offer the same results, but why use a mass-produced product when you can use one that has been custom-prepared to meet your exact needs?

Ask us today about how cosmeceutical creams can rejuvenate your skin and help present a youthful look.